ดร.ระวี สุวรรณเดโชไชย
- การวิจัยการดำเนินงาน
- B216
- 022015436
- rawee.suw@mahidol.ac.th
- PhD Industrial and Systems Engineering (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA)
- M.Sc. Industrial and Systems
Engineering (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, United States) - B.Sc. Mathematics (University of Rochester, United States)
- Operations research
Effect of additional order in two-stage supply chain contract under the demand uncertainty
Chueanun S, Suwandechochai R
Computation, 2021
Heuristic algorithms for surveyor standby location planning with multiple plans
Suwandechochai R, Padungwech W
International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, 2020
Improvement of a distribution system using a heuristic method: A case study
Thumronglaohapun S, Suwandechochai R
Thailand Statistician, 2019
Comparison of the estimators of the intra-cluster correlation for the nested error regression model
Intarapak S, Suwandechochai R, Supapakorn T
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 2017
Sustainable harvesting policies for a fishery model including spawning periods and taxation
Petaratip T, Bunwong K*, Moore EJ, Suwandechochai R
International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2012