List of students accepted to BSc Actuarial Science (Early Direct Admission 2023)

List of students accepted to BSc Actuarial Science (Early Direct Admission 2023)

The applicants who have received the offer of enrollment into the Bachelor of Science Programme in Actuarial Science (International Program) must formally confirm their acceptance to our offer by uploading the enrollment form at our departments website and completing the online enrollment verification process through the TCAS system as scheduled below:



Submit the enrollment confirmation form to the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University via this link

December 8 – 9, 2022

Confirm enrollment report through TCAS system (applicable to students with Thai nationality only) via this link

February 7 – 8, 2023

Complete online university registration and student records (e-Profile) via this link

February 17 2023

Make tuition fees payment via this link


For further information about B.Sc. Acturarial Science Program, please contact the office at 0 2201 5340 during working hours (Mon. – Fri. 8.30-16.30).